But why do I need the copywriter in the first place? – this is the question many people running their stores and websites are asking themselves. After all, content can be bought on the stock market, created by AI , copy from the manufacturer’s website, or, as a last resort, outsource to an intern. But are you sure, and is it possible to create a valuable specialized article this way? This is the easiest way to low-quality content, SEO problems and duplicates, which Google detects very quickly. In fact, content marketing, like any branch of marketing, is ultimately meant to increase sales. How? Among other things, building the image of an expert in the industry, and here the basis is a good specialized article. Just how to write it?
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What should a specialized article be like?
A good specialized article should meet at least 5 basic conditions:
- Specific topic – in specialized texts there is no place for general summaries and information, which is well known to everyone who knows at least a little about your industry. Such a text should be interesting to people who are familiar with your field, because it is in their eyes that you want to build the image of an expert. For example, presenting a solution to a specific problem, innovation or case study works well.
- Structured – a specialized article should be less casual than, for example, a standard blog text. Ideally, you should adhere to the traditional form of introduction, development and conclusion. It is also better not to overuse digressions.
- Comprehensive – the text should comprehensively describe the specific issue or question that appears in the title.
- Proven sources – such an article can rarely be written off the top of your head, even if you decide to forgo the services of a copywriter and create it yourself. It is best to verify any information with at least two sources.
- Interesting – it is not only the substance that counts, but also the form. Although a specialized article is quite stiff by design, it is worth giving it to someone to check that the text simply reads well.

Why do you need a specialized article?
Writing specialized articles is an effective way to build your image as an expert in your industry, and in turn, inspire confidence in potential clients and encourage them to use your services. By regularly blogging on the site and posting valuable content there, the you cease to be anonymous, and users are far more likely to choose brands in which they see a person, not just a logo. According to statistics created by the Content Marketing Institute, 67% of marketers note that content increases leads, and 72% note that it helps educate their audience. Educating users may sound condescending, but it is actually a benefit not only to them, but also to you. Increasing the knowledge of potential customers, for example, will help you justify why you don’t want to offer a particular service at a lower price.
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Should you write specialized articles yourself?
To build an expert image, of course, you need to provide really high-quality content. A great solution is to write them yourself, after all, you are the expert in your industry. Unfortunately, business owners usually lack the time to create content for the site. Also, not everyone has a so-called “good”. A light pen, because factual knowledge is one thing, but putting it into words is another. An alternative option is to hire a copywriter, because a good specialist knows not only how to put keywords in texts, but is also able to do research on virtually any topic. But how do you choose the right copywriter so that the content really is a good advertisement for your brand?
What to keep in mind before you order a specialty item?
The safest solution, of course, is to hire a copywriter who specializes in your field, e.g. has a degree in that field. A good copywriter lets potential clients know what industries he or she feels most comfortable in. However, if you operate in a fairly hermetic industry, you may have a problem choosing a copywriter who knows your field well. In such a situation, you can, for example, choose a content marketing agency, because most agencies have more than 1 copywriter, so the capacity is greater than for freelancers.
Second: prepare a brief. The more information you give a copywriter, the easier it will be for him to write the kind of text you want. It’s a good idea to write out what should be included in the article, give an estimated length, and if you have the opportunity – even offer reliable sources. It’s a good idea to include everything a copywriter needs to know in the brief. This may seem obvious to you as an expert, but it’s worth hinting at what makes your company stand out in the market, your target audience, your customers’ most common concerns, etc. It is known that this takes time, but for this it avoids most mistakes, and corrections significantly slow down the work and lengthen the wait for the finished text.
All right, but how much will it cost? Expert and specialized articles usually cost from 100 zloty net per 1000 zzs upwards. This is primarily due to the time it takes to create such a text. The writing itself is only a small part of the job, as the time-consuming work is primarily research.
Are you not sharing your knowledge with potential customers? This is quite a mistake! Do you care about content that will really boost sales? Get back to me, together with my team I will take care of the content for your website!