Whisper marketing is what will keep you very close to your customers and involve them in the life and promotion of your brand. Imagine the situation – customers talk about your products, leave reviews and recommendations online, share their experiences on social networks, record videos showing how they use your products. It must be driving sales! An ideal situation – even more so because you can help it happen for real! Read about whisper marketing.
Whisper marketing – what is it?
The term whisper marketing is used interchangeably with buzz marketing, referral marketing or WoMM (Words of Mouth Marketing). All those mentioned refer to marketing activities based on direct, close contact with customers. Whisper marketing takes advantage of the most popular communication channels and places where web users like to act and engage. So – whisper marketing, what is it? These are comments on social networks, posts on discussion forums, product reviews, video reviews, etc.
Whisper marketing uses techniques to introduce potential audiences to the benefits of using given products or services. It includes all the techniques by which it is possible to attract attention, persuade people to use, and sustain interest in products or brands.
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Aims and objectives of whisper marketing
Every marketing activity should achieve specific goals, and so it is with whisper marketing, which can do a lot of good for a business. The most popular targets pursued through buzz marketing are:
- increase sales;
- reaching new audiences;
- Engagement of current customers;
- Building and consolidating brand awareness and image.
They can be realized by performing specific activities-tasks that include: eliciting pleasant reactions from customers, sparking conversations about products and services, encouraging people to leave reviews about our product, and creating valuable PR. Tasks working for whisper marketing also include activities directly related to SEO – placing dofollow links and generating traffic to the site from Google’s organic search results.
Good practices related to whisper marketing
The main feature of buzz marketing should be originality, but there are certain frameworks and best practices to consider when creating your own campaign. What’s worth doing in whisper marketing:
- Bet on attractiveness and freshness – it takes effort to still intrigue and stand out today, but it’s definitely worth it. Only an interesting campaign encourages users to speak up about it.
- Ensure credibility – artificial praise of products can do them more harm than good. The price is naturalness, reality, authenticity.
- Maintain contact – the campaign should be moderated, and every contact and interaction from the customer deserves a response. Example:

- If you’re already talking about competition – it’s only good!
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Whisper marketing how to get started?
Below are ideas for activities that are a good patent for starting a buzz marketing adventure. Quite a number of tools have already been created – means to use to run campaigns related to whisper marketing. Here are ideas for starting a whisper marketing adventure:
- Developing a company blog – brand blogging – helps present the company’s activities in an accessible way and builds the image of an expert in the industry;
- Promoting the company on online forums and community groups – community marketing – fosters a community centered around the brand and product;
- Brand involvement in charity – cause related marketing;
- Promoting products by making them available to trendsetters in the target group – product seeding;
- Content creation – viral marketing that spreads virally.
Whisper marketing is something that can come out naturally and even with pleasure or, on the contrary, require a lot of commitment and work. One thing is for sure – good contact with customers and building a positive brand image are invaluable for business, and buzz marketing is what helps achieve this. Need support with marketing for your business? I’m happy to help – I’ve been doing SEO and Google Ads campaigns for years. I select action strategies oriented to quickly and effectively achieve my clients’ business goals. Let’s talk about what you want to achieve with Google advertising, I’ll tell you how to do it. Feel free to contact me!