Bounce rate, or just rejection rate, is an important indicator for those operating in e-commerce. Why? Because it tells how many users left the website as soon as they entered it. This data mobilizes actions to help retain users and convince them to be your customers. In the text below you will find more details about the bounce rate, and you will also learn how to reduce the rejection rate. You are invited!
Bounce rate – what is it?
Bounce rate is one of the key performance indicators (KPIs) of marketing campaigns. If you want to know the others, I’ve already written about them in the article on KPIs. The definition states that the rejection rate is the number of visits to a website that ended on a single subpage, which the user quickly left.
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How to calculate the rejection rate?
The formula for calculating the bounce rate is as follows:
Rejection rate = rejected sessions/all sessions x 100%
You can monitor it with the help of Google Analytics, which calculates it automatically.
How to analyze the bounce rate?
When analyzing the rejection rate, it is worth remembering that it is affected by individual circumstances related to the activity and nature of the marketing campaign. And yes, if the site is a one page or landing page then, after all, all visits end after visiting one sub-page, and even though the rejection rate here is 100%, you can still get satisfactory results from your campaign. All because the landing page does its job and users take the action you expect, such as signing up for your newsletter. Here are the variables to consider when analyzing your rejection rate:
- website design
- specifics of the industry in which the business is conducted
- duration of each session
Remember to analyze the rejection rate separately for each subpage.
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Rejection rate – what should it be?
You already know that the bounce rate depends on many factors, so it is difficult to indicate values that would be applicable and relevant to all industries and activities. It is assumed that for e-commerce, a rejection rate between 30 and 50% is the desired level. Of course, the lower the rejection rate, the better. However, if you are registering a value of less than 20%, put this result down to a tracking error or poor implementation of the tracking code.
How to reduce the rejection rate?
If the information on what the bounce rate is motivates you to analyze it, you will certainly also be interested in ready-made ways to lower the rejection rate. The most valuable advice concerns the changes to the website itself, if you work on it you will gain not only a reduction in the rejection rate, but most importantly more favor among customers.
- Ensure fast page load time
This is a key parameter that determines whether a user will delve into your site and offerings. Customers are becoming less patient and have other websites or online stores with similar offerings to choose from. Don’t risk them getting bored with long page loading.
- Refine the quality of the site with special attention to good UX practices.
The appearance of the website and its functionality are the basic elements that determine the time a user-customer will spend on your website. You need clarity, order and an intuitive menu.
- Remember to adjust your site for mobile devices.
They already have a very large share of the e-commerce market, and it will get even better. Take care of those customers who arrive at the site browsing via smartphone. Among other things, the site should. adjust to different resolutions, have buttons convenient to select on a small smartphone screen.
- Post CTAs in appropriate places.
They should appear where your site users’ eyes and attention are most often directed. Remember, it’s the calls to action that bring customers closer to achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself.
- Tailor your site’s message to your target audience.
You certainly know what kind of customers you want to target, so put your message aimed at the right age category, gender or audience specifics. Write in language that is relevant to this group, this is the only way to encourage exploration of the website.
- Keep customers informed – let your site tell them everything they need to make a buying decision.
This is facilitated by comprehensive descriptions, access to product ratings by existing customers, and the possibility of various payment and delivery options.
- Simplify everything you can.
Provide an option to buy without registering, don’t overdo it with pop-ups. Let the customer have a straightforward path to the information and shopping cart to make shopping in your store a hassle-free experience.
Bounce rate – summary
Rejection rate is a complex issue, because on the one hand it can tell you a lot about your site and your customers, but on the other hand it is influenced by so many factors that you should be very careful when analyzing it. However, it is certainly worth taking an interest in, as too high can herald problems, making it difficult to obtain satisfactory profits. Contact me if you have any difficulties with high rejection rates – I will help you analyze, localize the problem and advise you on how to get out of a difficult situation.