By Zieliński Jerzy

Criteo – an effective tool for e-commerce

In today’s dynamic world of online advertising, it’s important to reach the right audience and increase conversions. There is a tool that really works wonders on the subject of achieving these goals – Criteo. This advanced advertising platform based on artificial intelligence is one of the most effective tools
available on the market. Let me introduce you to what Criteo is and how it works.

Criteo what is it and how does it work?

What is Criteo? Criteo is a reputable technology company specializing in online advertising and personalizing content for users. Their innovative platform uses artificial intelligence and data analytics to help companies reach their target audience, increase conversions and generate higher profits.

How does Criteo work? Criteo’s main asset is its retargeting technology, which allows companies to reach people who previously visited their online stores but did not make a purchase. This is an extremely valuable functionality that gives you a second chance to convince potential customers to buy.

Criteo’s operating process is based on tracking users through cookies and identifying them in various places on the Internet. This allows Criteo to display personalized ads for these users on other websites that are part of their broad advertising network.

But what sets Criteo apart from the competition is their unique ability to tailor ads to users’ individual preferences and interests. Using advanced machine learning algorithms and data analysis, Criteo is able to accurately understand user behavior and deliver ads that are of most interest to them. This means that a user who has visited an online shoe store but has not made a purchase may see personalized ads related to the same store’s shoes on other sites they visit.

Criteo Poland vs. Criteo worldwide

Criteo has a worldwide presence as a global technology company, and Criteo Poland is part of this international network. Both internationally and in Poland, Criteo offers its advanced advertising solutions to help companies achieve success in their advertising campaigns and generate higher profits.

Criteo Dynamic Retargeting – why it’s worth it

Why use Criteo? Criteo is an indispensable tool for any advertising campaign. Here are some reasons why I recommend using this platform:

Effectiveness of retargeting

With Criteo, you can reach people who have previously expressed interest in your product or service, but have not made a purchase. This gives you the opportunity to re-engage these users and encourage them to convert.

Personalized ads

Criteo uses powerful artificial intelligence and data analysis tools to deliver personalized ads. You can precisely tailor ads to users’ preferences and behaviors, increasing the chances of conversion. Criteo automatically generates more and more effective ads because they are tailored to the user’s preferences and activities.

Extensive advertising network

Criteo has a wide network of partners, which means your ads can be displayed on many different websites. This gives you greater reach and the chance to reach more potential customers.

Simplicity of using one tool

The ability to manage Google Ads and Facebook Ads remarketing campaigns from a single tool: Criteo will make your work easier – it will collect data on each campaign, it efficiently learns user behavior and emits ads perfectly matched to Internet users’ intentions, it handles AdBlock well, therefore it is more effective than Google Display Network. What’s more, Criteo optimizes advertising campaigns on an ongoing basis, using machine learning technology to do so.

Invaluable help for e-commerce

Criteo is indispensable for online stores with a large selection of products – it retargets advertising efficiently without any hassle.

Who should use Criteo?

Criteo caters to a wide range of companies and organizations that do business online and want to increase the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. Here are some examples of groups that can benefit from Criteo:

  • Online stores: Criteo is especially beneficial for online stores that want to reach people who have previously visited their sites but have not made a purchase. With personalized ads, stores can convince these people to return and complete the transaction.
  • E-commerce companies: Whether you sell products or services online, Criteo can help you reach the right customers and increase conversions. You can personalize ads based on user preferences and behaviors, which effectively translates into increased sales.
  • Brands and advertising agencies: Criteo is also a valuable tool for brands and advertising agencies that manage their clients’ advertising campaigns. With Criteo’s advanced tools and data analysis, personalized ads can be delivered with greater effectiveness, increasing the value of the advertising services offered.
  • Websites with high traffic: If you run a website with a lot of traffic, Criteo can be a great solution to capitalize on that traffic and generate additional revenue. By displaying personalized ads on your site, you can make money based on commissions from transactions or clicks.

It is worth noting that Criteo is available for different industries and business scales. Whether you run a small business, a medium-sized enterprise or a global brand, the tools and features offered by Criteo can be tailored to your individual needs and goals.


Criteo is an advanced marketing tool that should be in the arsenal of every e-commerce owner or marketing specialist. Marketing. With the ability to reach users who have previously shown interest in your products or services, Criteo enables you to effectively convince them to convert. Plus, with personalized ads and an extensive ad network, you can maximize the potential of this platform.

Don’t wait any longer and use the potential of Criteo to revolutionize your advertising campaign and achieve even greater success. And remember – you don’t have to learn from scratch and do it yourself, get my help – feel free to contact me!

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